Tuesday, December 12, 2006

This Year's Kanji

Every year we choose a kanji that well reflects or concludes the year, and this year's has been chosen today. It's "inochi" which means "life". It does look like a good kanji, but considering the events and incidents happening this year it is pretty heavy.

Of course, there were happy occasions such as the birth of a new prince (I'm not going to argue whether his birth as a "prince" is happy or not) but uncountable number of sad and cruel events related to life have happened that my feeling for this choice is more associated with death like murder of very young children and suicides committed by teenagers.

The year's kanji has been chosen since 1995 by public poll, and the kanji that came in second place was "yuu" or the first kanji for the newborn prince's name. Third place was "to live".

We've only got less than three weeks of year 2006. I hope next year would become a bit more cheerier.

Today's update: Report - Omotesando akarium Collection

description: it's a report on a fashion show I went to see last week held in Omotesando, the center of Japan's arts & designs & mode. It was on winter fashion this year and was pretty fun. Couldn't finish writing up the whole thing so today's update is only the first half but I've got lots of photos.

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